About H.O.A
What is an HOA?
HOA's are private associations that oversee and manage neighborhood common areas and amenities as well as insuring property owners obey the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs), Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws and any other governing documents.
Board of Directors
HOAs generally consist of a voluntary board of directors elected by their fellow residents to make decisions on the residents’ behalf.
The board of directors includes the president, secretary and treasurer.
HOA Duties
A neighborhood with a few amenities may have 2-4 HOA meetings per year to vote on board and committee members, new rules, resident concerns and issues and set a budget.
Other duties may include creating committees to help make decisions on specific subjects that may require more attention than others.
Other responsibilities of these neighborhoods include lawn maintenance in the HOA fees charged to residents.
Advantages of an HOA
The primary advantage of living in a neighborhood with an HOA is that it provides a safeguard for residents’ property values.
Money is collected for landscape and other maintenance duties including any neighborhood amenities.
Residents are generally not allowed to collect junk in their yards, raise farm animals, or otherwise let their house and property descend to a point that would lower their neighbor’s property values.
Having an HOA helps secure the residents’ investments in their neighborhood and maintains a certain curb-appeal.
Vice President
Sanela Omic
Derrick Grant
General Info
PO Box 183